Nov 142017

14 September 2017

Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting

1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue NE. With 3 of 5 directors present, a quorum of the Board did exist.

2. Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
George Ziska, Jr.
Ron Strawn
George Cawl

3. The minutes of the meeting held on 10 August 2017, were approved.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith was not present to provide a report.

5. Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
A. Al Cans for 2 X 4’s: No new developments.
B. Dinner Raffle (Oct-Nov): Ron will requested $300 in certificates from the Pizza Ranch. Donna Vogt printed 300 tickets and 144 tickets were distributed at the meeting. On 7 Sep 17, the Secretary provided an electronic document requested by Pizza Ranch on the raffle and the Crew’s mission. Ron will inquire at Pizza Ranch on the rules for nonprofit groups to bus tables for a donation.
C. Church of Nativity, Burke, VA: Offering in Jan 18.
D. Offutt Catholic Chapel Designated Offering, Sun, 11 Feb 18: The Secretary will work on bulletin insert for the week prior to the offering.
E. Bowl-a-thon: To be scheduled in Mar 18, at Leopard Lanes.
F. 2018 Financial Plan: We have now reached 0.3% of the $66,000 fundraising goal.
G. Other Ideas: None.

6. Old Business:
A. Update of Membership Roster: No changes noted.
B. VA Connection (Bob Corsi): No new developments.
C. Crew Website ( ): No new developments.
D Colorado (CO) Connection (Corey Cinabro): No new developments.
E. Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: Future plans include a joint Crew/Confirmation Class Breakfast at Capehart Chapel on Sun, 18 Feb 18.
F. 2017 Deployment (1-12 Jun 17): Harry Wallace reported that the new footing for the Yancey front wall foundation repair (which the Crew previously sent $1,200 to complete) has been delayed by rain but may be done this week. The Board approved an additional $3,000 request from Harry to pour a 10-inch wide concrete wall on top of the new footing and next to the front foundation wall.
G. 2018 Deployment (Work starts on 31 May 18): Harry Wallace reported that the Jonathan and Angela Strunk Family has been selected for the 2018 home. The Strunks’ have two children, Ethan is 13 and Emily is 12. Jonathan works for the Lumber King Truss Department. Harry requested a $20,000 advance payment for the Strunk home, so septic system, footings and foundation can be done this fall.
H. Board Election, 14 Dec 17: The Secretary reminded the Board of the upcoming board election for new terms running from 1 Jan 18 to 31 Dec 19.
I. Adopt-A-Road on 25th Street: Secretary reminded those present that trash pick up will start at 9 AM, Sat, 30 Sep 17.
J. St. Joe’s Inn Help: Landlord Jim Barney reported that the repair of the St. Joe’s Inn roof will be done on 15 Sep 17.

7. New Business:
A. Painting Home Exterior: George Ziska and George Cawl are helping paint the exterior of Jerry Jarrett’s home in Millard for a donation to the Crew.

8. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM and the next Meeting was set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 12 Oct17, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.

George Ziska, Jr.