Mar 142022
10 February 2022
Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting
I. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue NE. With 5 of 5 directors present, a quorum of the Board existed.
- Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
Kathi Narlock
Marcel Moreau
George Ziska, Jr.
Janelle Smith
Ron Strawn
- The minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2022, were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith reported the following status, as of31 January 2022: Great Western Checking Account: $10,765.84; Fidelity Money Market: $56,286.68.
- Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
- Al Cans for 2 X 4’s: No new developments.
- Church of Nativity, Burke, VA, Offering: Sat-Sun,1-2 Jan 22: Bob Corsi reported an updated total of $108,000 for the offering and that the Crew can expected a check for about $100,000.
- Offutt Catholic Chapel Designated Offering: Sat-Sun,12-13 Feb 22: The Secretary submitted a bulletin notice which will run for two weeks before the offering.
- 27th Annual Bowl-a-thon, 1:30 PM, Sat, 5 Mar 22, Chap’s Bowl: Secretary reported that we are up to 16 bowlers for this event.
- 2022 Financial Plan: Progress on $80,000 goal is at 2.4%.
- New Ideas: Finance Director Ron Strawn will check out options for the Fall Raffle to replace the closed Papillion Pizza Ranch.
- Old Business:
- Update of Membership Roster: Secretary provided the Board members with a current copy of the roster.
- VA Connection (Bob Corsi): Bob submitted a list of 16 volunteers with 5 alternates. The Construction Director indicated that all were needed and were added to the Crew list.
- Crew Website ( ): No new developments.
- Colorado (CO) Connection (Corey Cinabro); No new developments.
- Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: No new developments.
- 2022 Deployment (Works starts on Thurs, 2 Jun 22): Construction Director requested Kay Morrow, our Good Shepherd Chapel POC, to provide the following services for our June deployment: 2 portable toilets, dumpster, Inn cleaning lady, St. Mildred’s priests for Saturday evening Masses and Hoyt Gibson’s shingle lifting machine for Sat, 4 Jun
- Head Cook Vicki Edwards reported that Kris Woods volunteered to be the Assistant Cook. Crew list now stands at 31 volunteers. Due to COVID, the Construction Director requested that the Family/Crew dinner not be held again this year.
- Operational Goal: With increasing the goal to building House No. 41 in 2025, Bob Corsi of VA, indicated that we should have checked with him before increasing the goal and that the Crew should have a back-up plan if the current Construction Director is unable to deploy. Although it may have been politically correct to check with Bob on the goal, the Board has the authority to set the operational goal. In regard to the back-up plan for the Construction Director, the Board agreed that the Crew should complete the home for the currently selected family. However, the amount of work needed to meet this commitment depends on where we are in the work cycle. Before the meeting, the Construction Director provided the Board members with a 2-page description of this work cycle. Vice-President Marcel Moreau committed to becoming more familiar with the deployment logistics for procuring and loading of local materials and equipment in the trailer. Others will need to be identified for developing the home plans and layout work at the site.
- New Business:
- 2021 Stephens Family Testimonial: The letter was previously forwarded to Board members and it was a quite impressive appreciation for receiving the home.
- Good Shepherd Mission 2021 Newsletter: This document was passed around the room.
- The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:46 PM. The next Meeting is set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 10 Mar 22, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr. Secretary