8 April 2021
Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting
1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue NE. With 3 of 5 directors present, a quorum of the Board existed.
2. Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
George Ziska, Jr.
Ron Strawn
George Cawl
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2021, were approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith provided the following status to the Secretary, as of 31 March 2021: Great Western Checking Account: $22,130.36; Fidelity Money Market: $56,281.96.
5. Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
A. Al Cans for 2 X 4’s: No new developments.
B. Church of the Nativity Offering, 2-3 Jan 21: The Crew received a check for $75,000 on 5 Apr 21.
C. Bowl-a-thon, 1:30 PM, Sat, 20 Mar 21, Chop’s Bowl: Thirteen bowlers knocked down a total of 1,946 pins and total pledges of $4,434 were collected.
D. 2021 Financial Plan: Progress to date on the $80,000 fundraising goal is at 103.7%. NE volunteers have raised a total of $7,925 or 9.9% of the fundraising goal.
E. Other Ideas: None.
6. Old Business:
A. Update of Membership Roster: No changes noted.
B. VA Connect ion (Bob Corsi): Bob indicated that new volunteer Frank Guest may not make the deployment.
C. Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): No new developments.
D. Colorado (CO) Connection (Corey Cinabro): Roger Soderberg will not be coming this year to allow more time for recovery from his surgery.
E. Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: No new developments.
F. 2021 Deployment (Work starts on Thurs, 3 Jun 21): The Stephens home footings have been completed and the block foundation will be completed next week. The Good Shepherd Church of Cincinnati will install the subfloor during the week of 26-30 Apr 21. Per Kay Morrow, our Good Shepherd Chapel P.O.C., the electrician is submitting an increased estimate for completing his work due to greater material costs caused by recent flooding. On 30 Mar 21, the Construction Director signed a invoice of $2,955.33 for Lowe’ s Somerset materials which will be delivered on 26 May 21, per Kay. Currently, the Berthing Plan covers 33 volunteers with 29 staying in the Inn, 3 camping and one staying in a hotel. The 33 volunteers included 19 from VA, 6 from NE, 4 from CO, and one each from TX, FL, WV and OH. Kay indicated that the Stephens Family has selected laminate flooring throughout the house. Head Cook Vicki Edwards has made reservation for renting the Food Van at an estimated cost of $1,000. There will be no Crew/Family Dinner on Tues, 8 Jun 21, due to COVID. Head Cook received an advanced food payment of $2,000.
G. 2022 Deployment (Works starts on Thurs, 2 Jun 22): No new developments
7. New Business:
A. IRS Form 990-EZ is due on 15 May 21. No new developments
B. COVID: As of3 Mar 21, McCreary County was listed on the KY COVID website (www.kycovidl9.ky.gov) as being in the Red Zone with 34 daily cases per l 00,000 or adjusted for the approximate population of 20,000people, about 7 daily cases. Kay Morrow, our Good Shepherd Chapel P.O.C., reported that bars and restaurants are at 60% occupancy and the Dairy Bar has only outside dining. The Construction Director provided an updated Crew COVID plan that the Board saw no objection to implementing in 2021. The Construction Director will send the updated plan to Crew Leaders.
C. Adopt-A-Road: The clean up of 25th Street, was rescheduled for 9 AM, Sat, 10 Apr 21, so the Crew could get help from the Boy Scouts.
8. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM. The next Meeting is set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 13 May 21, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr.
Jul 252021