11 November 2021
Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting
1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue NE. With 4 of 5 directors present, a quorum of the Board existed.
2. Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
Marcel Moreau
George Ziska Jr.
Ron Strawn
George Cawl
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2021, were approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith reported the following status to the Secretary, as of 31 October 2021: Great Western Checking Account: $9,211.59; Fidelity Money Market: $56,285.26.
5. Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
A. Al Cans for 2 X 4’s: 8 Nov 21 Tum-in at Element Recycling: 44 lb X $0.55/lb =$24.20.
B. Dinner Raffle, Oct-Nov 21: All 200 printed tickets have been distributed. Additional 153 ticket stubs and
$765.00 was collected at the meeting. Total sales are now 157 tickets and $785.00. Net earnings are now at $535.81
(= $785.00 – $249.19).
C. Church of Nativity, Burke, VA, Offering, Sat-Sun,1-2 Jan 22.
D. Offutt Catholic Chapel Designated Offering: Sat-Sun,12-13 Feb 22.
E. Bowl-a-thon: Scheduled for Mar 22.
F. 2022 Financial Plan: Progress on $80,000 goal was reported at 0.6%; however, after taking into account the expense of$249.19 for the 20 Pizza Ranch certificates, the net progress was actually 0.3%.
G. New Ideas: None.
6. Old Business:
A. Update of Membership Roster: No changes noted.
B. VA Connection (Bob Corsi): No new developments.
C. Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): No new developments.
D. Colorado (CO) Connection (Corey Cinabro): No new developments.
E. Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: No new developments.
6. Old Business (Cont.):
F. 2022 Deployment (Works starts on Thurs, 2 Jun 22): Kay Morrow reported that New Family land deed was corrected to include Opal’s name before the earthwork started at the site. The block foundation was completed on 27 Oct
21. The New Family selected Valspar Summer Gray, No. 7006-17 for the interior wall color. The Construction Director submitted the New Family home material list to Lowe’s of Somerset, KY on 1 Nov 21. All 2020 Lesson Learned have been addressed, including: connecting the Kit/LR wall to the center wall, requesting Kay to have the gutter subcontractor doing the work when we are in KY and installing 4-ft extensions to the downspouts, improving the medical kit and having the plumbing subcontractor provide the 50-gal, low boy hot water heater for the crawl space.
G. Board Election: The next Board election will be held at the 9 Dec 21 meeting for 2-year terms, from 1 Jan 22 to 31 Dec 23. The slate of officers includes: President: Vicki Edwards; Vice-President: Marcel Moreau; Secretary and Construction Director; George Ziska, Jr.; Treasurer: Janelle Smith and Finance Director: Ron Strawn.
7. New Business:
A. IRS Notice of 25 Oct 21: This notice was received on 28 Oct 21, and indicated that the 2020 return was not submitted. The Secretary referred this notice to the Treasurer on 28 Oct 21, who found that the last number on the EIN of the original Form 990-EZ did not include. The Treasurer submitted the IRS reply form with a corrected IRS Form 990- EZ.
B. Annual Report to Donors: The Secretary’s report was reviewed and 50 copies will be made at the UPS Store.
8. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM. The next Meeting is set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 9 Dec 21, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr