12 May 2015
Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting
1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards, at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue, NE. With 4 of 4
directors present, a quorum of the Board did exist.
2. Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
Marcel Moreau
George Ziska, Jr.
Kathi Narlock
George Cawl
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 10 Feb and 14 Apr 15, were approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith provided that following status: Great Western Checking Account:
15,033.87; Fidelity Money Market: $59, 209.16; Progress on 2015 Fundraising Goal: 114.9%
5. Finance Director’s Report: With the Finance Director position vacate, the Secretary discussed the following:
A. Cans for 2 X 4’s: Can turn-in on 15 Apr 15: 33 lb X $0.30/lb = $9.90
B. Church of Nativity, Burke, VA Designated Offering, 10-11 Jan 15: Offering total of $43,687.70 was received on
2 May 15. Total is the 2nd highest received from VA.
C. Bowl-a-thon, 7 Mar 15: With Vice-President Marcel Moreau providing an additional $200 check from the
Bellevue Knights of Columbus, the total revenue climbed to record amount of $3,081.
D. 2015 CFC Distribution: $3,513.87
E. Offutt Catholic Chapel Designated Offering, Sun, 19 Apr 15: A total donation of $1,817.71 was received on 27
Apr 15. The Secretary submitted a thank you notice for the parish bulletin.
F. Other Ideas: None.
6. Old Business:
A. Update of Membership Roster: No updates made.
B. Combined Federal Campaign: After being in the CFC for 20 years, a denial of the Crew’s 2015 application was
received on 4 May 15, due to the lack of providing local services. The Secretary submitted a rebuttal on 7 May 15,
emphasizing that the Crew offers a local opportunity to help the less fortunate with housing but this idea was again
rejected in a CFC letter, received on 11 May 15. Alternatives include: (1) Submitting an appeal to the U.S. Office
of Personnel Management, which must be received by 25 May 15. (2) Forgetting the CFC, since initial donations
are significantly reduced by overhead and shrinkage cuts and the annual Crew’s annual phone bill of $600+ for
maintaining a CFC required voice mailbox. Vice-President Marcel Moreau volunteered to draft a letter to be sent
to past CFC donors this fall explaining why the Crew is not in the 2015 CFC Drive and the benefits of donating
directly to the Crew where a 100% of the donations would go to our cause.
C. VA Connection (Bob Corsi): No new developments.
D. Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): No new developments.
E. Colorado (CO) Connection (Gary Piper): No new developments.
F. Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: No new developments.
G. 2015 Deployment (work starts on 5 Jun 15): The onsite crew list has 28 volunteers (25 men and 3 women) with a
by state volunteer tally of: NE: 6; VA: 16; OH: 1; FL: 1; MD: 1; AL: 1; CO: 2. The NE Carpool Plan was
reviewed and we will be leaving Capehart Chapel at 6:30 PM, on Wed, 3 Jun 15. The Construction Director
emphasized the importance of carpool drivers keeping their gas receipts for reimbursement. The Construction
Director has made reservations for 2 rooms at Baymont Inn in Evansville, IN, for the night of 3 Jun 15. Vice-
President Marcel Moreau volunteered to haul the food coolers and the microwave oven. The Berthing Plan was
reviewed. Head Cook Vicki Edwards received $1,500 from the Treasurer for the deployment food expenses. The
Construction Director reported, per the request of VA P.O.C. Bob Corsi, that the Crew will be paying for the 1st
Thurs night BBQ. The President is still looking for the white over-the-stove microwave.
H. 2014 IRS Forms: With Treasurer Janelle Smith‘s submission of the IRS Form 999-EZ on 23 Apr 15, all actions
have been completed on this item.
I. Insurance Waiver to Offutt AFB: Request was submitted on 25 Feb 15, but no word has been received back yet.
J. Finance Director Vacancy: With the departure of Stu Martin in Apr 15, the Board is still looking for a volunteer to
complete his term thru 31 Dec 15.
K. Good Shepherd Chapel Advance Payment Request: The Secretary mailed a $15,000 advance payment check on 9
Apr 15, which the Good Shepherd Chapel Treasurer Kay Morrow reported received on 22 Apr 15.
7. New Business:
A. Death of Father Carroll Howlin: St. Joe’s Inn Landlord Jim Barney reported the death of Father Howlin on 5 May
15. Father Howlin was the first priest at the Good Shepherd Chapel. Father helped many people in McCreary
County and built St. Joe’s Inn.
B. Donor List: The donor list which will be given to the Corder Family was passed around the room for finding
omissions and errors.
8. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:36 PM. With the Crew’s deployment in Jun 15, the next meeting was set for 7
PM, Tues, 14 Jul 15, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr.