9 September 2021
Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting
1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue NE. With 3 of 5 directors present, a
quorum of the Board existed.
2. Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
George Ziska, Jr.
Ron Strawn
Kathi Narlock
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 12 August 2021, were approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith reported the following status by text, as of 31 August 2021: Great Western Checking
Account: $8,911.59; Fidelity Money Market: $56,284.32.
5. Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
A. Al Cans for 2 X 4’s: No new developments.
B. Dinner Raffle, Oct-Nov 21: Finance Director Ron Strawn will check with Pizza Ranch Manager Samantha Oxley about the store
certificates to be paid ($200) and provided ($100). The Secretary distributed 120 raffle tickets to those present.
C. Church of Nativity, Burke, VA, Offering: Set for the weekend of 1-2 Jan 22.
D. Offutt Catholic Chapel Designated Offering: Set for the weekend of 12-13 Feb 22. Chapel Account Manager Mary Burden indicated that
this offering has received final approval.
E. Bowl-a-thon: Scheduled for Mar 22.
F. 2022 Financial Plan: Progress on $80,000 goal is at $42.00.
G. New Ideas: None.
6. Old Business:
A. Update of Membership Roster: No new developments.
B. VA Connection (Bob Corsi): No new developments.
C. Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): No new developments.
D. Colorado (CO) Connection (Corey Cinabro): No new developments.
E. Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: No new developments.
F. 2022 Deployment (Works starts on Thurs, 2 Jun 22): The Construction Director is working on updating the drawings for the New Family
home and will be starting a review of the material lists.
G. Board Election: The next Board election will be held at the 9 Dec 21 meeting for 2-year terms, from 1 Jan 22 to 31 Dec 21.
H. Adopt-A-Road: Trash clean-up on 25th Street is set for 9 AM, 23 Oct 2021, with Boys Scout Troop 305.
7. New Business: None.
8. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:24 PM. The next Meeting is set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 14 Oct 21, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr. Secretary
The Stephens family sent these wonderful cards for the Crew.
9 July 2020
1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue NE. With 5 of 5
directors present, a quorum of the Board existed.
2. Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
Kathi Narlock
Marcel Moreau George Ziska, Jr.
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2020, were approved.
Janelle Smith Ron Strawn
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith provided the following status as of 30 June 2020: Great Western
Checking Account: $87,329.53; Fidelity Money Market: $56,277.73.
5. Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
A. Al Cans for 2 X 4’s: No new developments.
B. 2020 Financial Plan: With end of the fundraising year on 30 Jun 20, a total of 126.0% of the $70,000 goal was
raised. NE fundraising contributed $13,206 or 18.9% of the goal.
C. 2021 Financial Plan: With Good Shepherd Chapel identifying a family requiring a 4-BR home, per the Crew’s
request, our financial plan was modified, as follows: Dinner Raffle: $800; Church of the Nativity: $69,000; Bowl-athon:
$6,000 and Donations & Misc.: $4,200 for a total fundraising goal of $80,000. This plan was approved by the
D. Other Ideas: None.
6. Old Business:
A. Update of Membership Roster: No changes noted.
B. VA Connection (Bob Corsi): No new developments.
C. Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): No new developments.
D. Colorado (CO) Connection (Corey Cinabro): The Construction Director, Vice-President Marcel Moreau and
George Cawl set up the spring arm trailer hitch provided by Corey on Wed, 24 Jun 20. We tried all hole combinations of
the ball assembly and achieved a fairly level trailer but the pick-up still showed to be up ¾ inch in the front and down 2
inches in the back.
E. Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: No new developments.
F. 2020 Deployment (with work delayed to starting Thurs, 17 Sep 2020): The following changes were noted on the
on-site volunteer list: John Ostrowki (VA) replaced Barry Basselgia (VA) on the Finish Crew and Don White (OH)
withdrew from the Support Crew. The total number of on-site volunteers now stands at 30. With coronavirus, we are
considering holding the Family/Crew Dinner outside. The current berthing plan includes using 26 beds in the Inn with 4
camper beds at the peak number of the volunteers on Turnover Tues night, 22 Sep 20.
G. Coronavirus Actions: The Construction Director has received all 150 3-ply face masks ordered. The
Construction Director discussed following aspects: (1) Daily body temperatures of the Crew are planned. (2) Food
serving surfaces and common use tool and areas will be cleaned daily. The Construction Director will be developing an
overall action plan which will be sent to each Crew volunteer.
H. KY Coronavirus Restrictions/Rules: Groups of 50 are now be allowed KY, as of Mon, 29 Jun 20.
I. 2021 Family Selection: Good Shepherd Chapel Treasurer identified Randall and April Stephens and their 3
daughters and I son for the 2021 4-BR home. The family is currently living in a 1996 trailer with 3 BR’s , one working
bathroom and one small, window A/C unit. Randall works as golf course greens keeper. The Stephens Family appears to
be deserving candidate for the 2021 home.
7. New Business:
A. 2020 Donor List: The list was reviewed for spelling and omissions.
B. Future Deployments: The Construction Director has the discussed with Bob Corsi of the Church of Nativity
about building two homes in the future to reduce our excess funds. It appears possible to build to two homes with the
finish work on the second home contracted out.
C. Concrete Pad in the Marler Home Crawl Space: Originally, Harry Wallace, our Good Shepherd Chapel POC, was
requested on 30 Sep 19, to provide a 12-ft by 20-ft pad for Crew painting and future Family storage at the crawl space
access opening, as done in the 2019 home. However, the Construction Director noted that the pad was not completed on
recent construction photos and again requested Harry to provide the pad on 14 Jun 20. On 18 Jun 20, Harry indicated
that the pad would probably not be possible due to previous rainy weather, a thick clay layer and the lack of volunteers to
hand dig out the area or if lucky maybe just a 6-ft by 10-ft pad.
8. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM. The next Meeting was set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 13 Aug 20, at 9803
S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr.
The Appalachian Construction Crew would like to thank all the bowlers and people that donated to the bowlers. We had a great turn out.
A record amount was raised this year. $5,185.20 This money will go to building the home for Jason and Lisa Kates family of Stearns, KY and their three children, Caleb, Jaylee and Joshua. The Kates Family is currently living in a trailer with many problems including a leaking roof and poor electrical and heating systems. Jason works in the lumber King Truss Department and Lisa is a cook for the Public Schools of Whitley City, KY. The Kates Family finds time to do a lot of service work for their community and their church. These donations will help the Crew build our 35th home.
14 December 2017
Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting
1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue NE. With 4 of 5 directors present, a quorum of the Board did exist.
2. Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
Marcel Moreau
George Ziska, Jr.
Janelle Smith
George Cawl
Kathi Narlock
Rick Narlock
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2017, were approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith provided the following status as of 30 Nov 17: Great Western Checking Account: $31,325.57; Fidelity Money Market Account: $24,352.04.
5. Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
A. Al Cans for 2 X 4’s: No new developments.
B. Dinner Raffle (Oct-Nov): Total ticket sales was 247, with a total of $1,235 raised, which is in between ticket sales in 2015 of 261
and 222 tickets in 2016. 12 people attended the drawing/dinner at the Papillion Pizza Ranch on 16 Nov 17. Manager Rob Hogg Drew
allowed us to award $400 in store certificates and he drew the following winners: 1st Place-$150: Gus Gustafson; 2nd Place-$100: Jay
Edwards; 3rd Places-$50: Laura Bowden; Lori Holloway; Kathy Hurt. The Secretary sent a thank you letter to Manager Rob Hogg.
C. Church of Nativity, Burke, VA: Per Bob Corsi, the offering is set for 6-7 Jan 18.
D. Offutt Catholic Chapel Designated Offering, Sun, 11 Feb 18: If the Chapel bulletin resumes, the Secretary will work on bulletin
insert for the week prior to the offering.
E. Bowl-a-thon: Those in attending prefer to do the Bowl-a-thon on Sat, 3 Mar 18, at 1:30 PM, at Leopard Lanes.
F. 2018 Financial Plan: We have now reached 7.1% of the $66,000 fundraising goal. The Secretary sent out many emails with an Amazonsmile
flyer to promote this fundraiser.
G. Other Ideas: Those in attendance were lukewarm, at best, to bussing tables at the Papillion Pizza Ranch, due to anticipated low
return on this fundraiser. Vice-President Marcel Moreau will submit an application to a local craft fair group that gives donations
to a nonprofit organizations that attend their craft sales and explain their cause. Marcel was provided with our annual report to
donors and our IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter for the application to the craft fair group. Marcel indicated that if our
application is accepted, a craft fair in Jun, Jul or Aug 18, would be available to for the Crew to attend.
6. Old Business:
A. Update of Membership Roster: No changes were noted and Board members present were provide a copy of the roster.
B. VA Connection (Bob Corsi): Bob Corsi has requested more info on the 2018 Strunk Family from Harry Wallace and Kay Morrow of the Good
Shepherd Chapel for his talk to the Church of Nativity in Jan 18.
C. Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): No new developments.
D. Colorado (CO) Connection (Corey Cinabro): No new developments.
E. Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: The Secretary sent more info to Confirmation Teacher Jim Walker on the joint Crew/Confirmation
Class Breakfast in the Capehart Chapel Annex on Sun, 18 Feb 18. Six Crew members volunteered to help with the breakfast. We will be
working from 7 AM to 12:30 PM.
F. 2018 Deployment (Work starts on 31 May 18): With the holiday season in full swing, no new developments were reported.
G. Board Election, 14 Dec 17: With quorum of the active general membership present, the following Board members were reelected for
terms running from 1 Jan 18 to 31 Dec 19: President: Vicki Edwards; Vice-President: Marcel Moreau; Secretary and Construction
Director: George Ziska, Jr.; Treasurer: Janelle Smith; Finance Director: Ron Strawn.
7. New Business:
A. Annual Report to Donors: The Secretary’s draft was reviewed and approved with one correction. The UPS Store will be requested to
make 75 copies of the report.
8. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM and the next Meeting was set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 11 Jan 18, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr.
10 August 2017
Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting
1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue NE. With 3 of 5
directors present, a quorum of the Board did exist.
2. Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
George Ziska, Jr.
Ron Strawn
Kathi Narlock
Mark White
George Cawl
3. The minutes of the meetings held on 13 July 2017, were approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith was not present to provide a report. The Secretary indicated that the
Crew has about $86,000 in reserves.
5. Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
A. Al Cans for 2 X 4’s: No new developments.
B. Dinner Raffle (Oct-Nov): Ron will request $300 in certificates from the Pizza Ranch. The ticket price will
remain $5.00. The Secretary will request Donna Vogt to print 300 tickets so the ticket distribution can start at the next
meeting. The Secretary is considering to write an article for the Bellevue Leader on the Crew’s work and the raffle. The
drawing is set for 6 PM, Thurs, 16 Nov 17, at the Papillion Pizza Ranch. The prizes will remain: 1st: $150; 2nd: $100
and 3rd: $50.
C. Church of Nativity, Burke, VA: Offering in Jan 18.
D. Offutt Catholic Chapel Designated Offering: Set for Sun, 11 Feb 18. The Secretary will work on bulletin insert
for the week prior to the offering.
E. Bowl-a-thon: To be scheduled in Mar 18, at Leopard Lanes.
F. 2018 Financial Plan: The Board approved the following plan for raising $66,000 for the 2018 revised 3BR/2
Bath home:
(1) Dinner Raffle: $1,400 for Oct-Nov 17;
(2) Church of the Nativity, Burke VA: $42,000 for Jan 18;
Offutt AFB Catholic Chapel Designated Offering on Sun, 11 Feb 18; $1,600;
(4) Bowl-a-thon in Mar 18: $5,000
(5) Donations & Misc.: $16,000.
G. Other Ideas: None.
6. Old Business:
A. Update of Membership Roster: No changes noted.
B. VA Connection (Bob Corsi): Bob supports a donation of at least $5,000 for the repair of St. Joe’s Inn roof.
C. Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): Secretary provided Webmaster Kathi Narlock with a copy of the 2017
deployment photo disc for selecting photos for the website.
D Colorado (CO) Connection (Corey Cinabro): No new developments.
E. Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: Future plans include a joint Crew/Confirmation Breakfast at Capehart
Chapel on Sun, 18 Feb 18.
F. 2017 Deployment 1–12 Jun 17): Board approved sending the Good Shepherd Chapel $1,200 for pouring a footing
on top of the existing footing and around the installed posts at the front foundation wall of the Yancey home, as the initial
part of the repair. The Construction Director will discuss with Harry Wallace the additional follow-on repairs which
could include filling the existing foundation wall with grout or building a new block or concrete wall on the inside of the
existing foundation wall.
G. 2018 Deployment (Work starts on 31 May 18): Harry Wallace is still working on selecting a family which will
present to the Good Shepherd Chapel Parish Council in Sep 17.
H. Board Election, 14 Dec 17: The Secretary reminded the Board of the upcoming board election for new terms
running from 1 Jan 18 to 31 Dec 19.
7. New Business:
A. Adopt-A-Road on 25th Street: Trash pick up was ser for 9 AM, Sat, 30 Sep 17.
B. St. Joe’s Inn Help:
(1) With the President’s suggestion to improve the bath showerheads at the last meeting and after the
Construction Director contacted St, Joe’s Inn Landlord Jim Barney, the Board approved providing and installing four (4)
Waterpik EcoFlow showerheads for the Men’s and Women’s baths next May.
(2) Landlord Jim Barney requested groups using the Inn to consider a donation for repairing the roof due to
leaks. The Board approved a $10,000 donation toward the roof repair.
8. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM and the next Board Meeting was set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 14 Sep17,
at 9803 S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr.
12 May 2015
Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting
1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards, at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue, NE. With 4 of 4
directors present, a quorum of the Board did exist.
2. Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
Marcel Moreau
George Ziska, Jr.
Kathi Narlock
George Cawl
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 10 Feb and 14 Apr 15, were approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith provided that following status: Great Western Checking Account:
15,033.87; Fidelity Money Market: $59, 209.16; Progress on 2015 Fundraising Goal: 114.9%
5. Finance Director’s Report: With the Finance Director position vacate, the Secretary discussed the following:
A. Cans for 2 X 4’s: Can turn-in on 15 Apr 15: 33 lb X $0.30/lb = $9.90
B. Church of Nativity, Burke, VA Designated Offering, 10-11 Jan 15: Offering total of $43,687.70 was received on
2 May 15. Total is the 2nd highest received from VA.
C. Bowl-a-thon, 7 Mar 15: With Vice-President Marcel Moreau providing an additional $200 check from the
Bellevue Knights of Columbus, the total revenue climbed to record amount of $3,081.
D. 2015 CFC Distribution: $3,513.87
E. Offutt Catholic Chapel Designated Offering, Sun, 19 Apr 15: A total donation of $1,817.71 was received on 27
Apr 15. The Secretary submitted a thank you notice for the parish bulletin.
F. Other Ideas: None.
6. Old Business:
A. Update of Membership Roster: No updates made.
B. Combined Federal Campaign: After being in the CFC for 20 years, a denial of the Crew’s 2015 application was
received on 4 May 15, due to the lack of providing local services. The Secretary submitted a rebuttal on 7 May 15,
emphasizing that the Crew offers a local opportunity to help the less fortunate with housing but this idea was again
rejected in a CFC letter, received on 11 May 15. Alternatives include: (1) Submitting an appeal to the U.S. Office
of Personnel Management, which must be received by 25 May 15. (2) Forgetting the CFC, since initial donations
are significantly reduced by overhead and shrinkage cuts and the annual Crew’s annual phone bill of $600+ for
maintaining a CFC required voice mailbox. Vice-President Marcel Moreau volunteered to draft a letter to be sent
to past CFC donors this fall explaining why the Crew is not in the 2015 CFC Drive and the benefits of donating
directly to the Crew where a 100% of the donations would go to our cause.
C. VA Connection (Bob Corsi): No new developments.
D. Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): No new developments.
E. Colorado (CO) Connection (Gary Piper): No new developments.
F. Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: No new developments.
G. 2015 Deployment (work starts on 5 Jun 15): The onsite crew list has 28 volunteers (25 men and 3 women) with a
by state volunteer tally of: NE: 6; VA: 16; OH: 1; FL: 1; MD: 1; AL: 1; CO: 2. The NE Carpool Plan was
reviewed and we will be leaving Capehart Chapel at 6:30 PM, on Wed, 3 Jun 15. The Construction Director
emphasized the importance of carpool drivers keeping their gas receipts for reimbursement. The Construction
Director has made reservations for 2 rooms at Baymont Inn in Evansville, IN, for the night of 3 Jun 15. Vice-
President Marcel Moreau volunteered to haul the food coolers and the microwave oven. The Berthing Plan was
reviewed. Head Cook Vicki Edwards received $1,500 from the Treasurer for the deployment food expenses. The
Construction Director reported, per the request of VA P.O.C. Bob Corsi, that the Crew will be paying for the 1st
Thurs night BBQ. The President is still looking for the white over-the-stove microwave.
H. 2014 IRS Forms: With Treasurer Janelle Smith‘s submission of the IRS Form 999-EZ on 23 Apr 15, all actions
have been completed on this item.
I. Insurance Waiver to Offutt AFB: Request was submitted on 25 Feb 15, but no word has been received back yet.
J. Finance Director Vacancy: With the departure of Stu Martin in Apr 15, the Board is still looking for a volunteer to
complete his term thru 31 Dec 15.
K. Good Shepherd Chapel Advance Payment Request: The Secretary mailed a $15,000 advance payment check on 9
Apr 15, which the Good Shepherd Chapel Treasurer Kay Morrow reported received on 22 Apr 15.
7. New Business:
A. Death of Father Carroll Howlin: St. Joe’s Inn Landlord Jim Barney reported the death of Father Howlin on 5 May
15. Father Howlin was the first priest at the Good Shepherd Chapel. Father helped many people in McCreary
County and built St. Joe’s Inn.
B. Donor List: The donor list which will be given to the Corder Family was passed around the room for finding
omissions and errors.
8. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:36 PM. With the Crew’s deployment in Jun 15, the next meeting was set for 7
PM, Tues, 14 Jul 15, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr.
8 December 2016
Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting
- The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:30 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue, NE. With 4 of 5 directors present, a quorum of the Board did exist.
- Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
George Ziska, Jr.
Janelle Smith
Ron Strawn
George Cawl
- The minutes of the meeting held on 10 November 2016, were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith provided the following status: Great Western Checking Account: $44,743.03; Fidelity Money Market Account: $24,230.71.
- Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
- Cans for 2 X 4’s: No new developments.
- Dinner Raffle, 17 Nov 16: A total of 222 tickets have been sold and $1,.110 was collected. Fifteen people attended the drawing/dinner at 6 PM on Thurs, 17 Nov 16, at the Papillion Pizza Ranch.
- Offutt Catholic Chapel Offering, Sun, 8 Jan 17:
- Church of the Nativity, Burke, VA Offering, Sat-Sun, 14-15 Jan 17:
- Bowl-a-thon: Set a tentative date of 11 Mar 17 (1:30 PM) at Leopard Lanes. Ron will ask Sharon to make lane reservations.
- Combined Federal Campaign: Results to be known in Mar 17.
- 2017 Financial Plan: The Crew is now raised 5.0 % of the 2017 Fundraising Goal of $75,000.
- Offutt Air Show, 1-2 Jul 17: Per a Omaha World Herald article of 8 Dec 16, 55th Wing Commander has cancelled the Air Show with the Blue Angels. The 2018 Air Show is uncertain due to runway repairs.
- Other Ideas: None.
- Old Business:
- Update of Membership Roster: No changes made.
- Combined Federal Campaign of Indiana, Kentucky and Southwest Ohio: The Secretary’s search for a CPA to review the Crew‘s 2016 Financial Statement has now reached 5 accountants. The Secretary will try to set up meeting with Rod Anderson of Massimore, Magnuson & Associates, recommended by Brian Donohoe, for Friday, 16 Dec 16. Latest CFC info indicates the 2017 application will be submitted totally online during a period starting sometime in Dec 16 to sometime in Jan 17. The Secretary requested help in uploading some of the documents required for the application. The Secretary provided the Treasurer with 2016 IRS Form 990, which is part of the application.
- VA Connection (Bob Corsi): No new developments.
- Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): According to President Vicki Edwards, data uploading problems have be resolved with the help of Sarah Edwards.
- Colorado (CO) Connection (Gary Piper): No new developments.
- Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: The Secretary still needs coordinate with the Confirmation Class Teacher on the Pancake Breakfast set for Sun, 19 Feb 17.
- 2017 Deployment (work starts on Thurs, 1 Jun 17): The Construction Director sent revised the 2017 drawings for the Yancey home to the Crew Leaders with front porch gable roof design on 5 Dec 16. The Material List and the subcontractor work descriptions have also been reworked. Kathi Narlock has purchased the over-the-stove microwave for the 2017 home. Kathi will be requested to provide the receipt for the microwave to get reimbursed.
- Annual Report to Donors, Jan 17: The Secretary had 75 copies of the report printed at the UPS Store for $13.08.
- New Business: None.
- The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:46 PM and the next Board Meeting was set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 12 Jan 17, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr.
10 November 2016
Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting
- The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue, NE. With 3 of 5 directors present, a quorum of the Board did exist.
- Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
Marcel Moreau
George Ziska, Jr.
Mark White
Kathi Narlock
George Cawl
Kris Woods
- The minutes of the meeting held on 13 October 2016, were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith provided the Secretary with the following status: Great Western Checking Account: $43,235.68; Fidelity Money Market Account: $24,228.01
- Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
- Cans for 2 X 4’s: One attendee brought cans.
- Dinner Raffle (Oct-Nov 16): A total of 224 tickets are now distributed. So far, 162 tickets have been sold and $810 was collected. The Secretary will request Finance Director Ron Strawn to make reservations for about 20 people who will be attending the drawing/dinner at 6 PM on Thurs, 17 Nov 16, at the Papillion Pizza Ranch.
- Offutt Catholic Chapel Offering, Sun, 8 Jan 17:
- Church of the Nativity, Burke, VA Offering: Bob Corsi indicated that the offering would be on the weekend of 14-15 Jan 17.
- Bowl-a-thon: To be scheduled in Mar 17.
- Combined Federal Campaign: Results to be known in Mar 17.
- 2017 Financial Plan: The Crew is now raised 3.4 % of the 2017 Fundraising Goal of $75,000.
- Other Ideas: None.
- Old Business:
- Update of Membership Roster: No changes made.
- Combined Federal Campaign of Indiana, Kentucky and Southwest Ohio: The Secretary continues a search for a CPA to review the Crew‘s 2016 Financial Statement for the 2017 CFC application. The best ball park estimate for the review, to date, is $2,500 from Marc Lowe of Jones & Lowe. To obtain a more accurate estimate, Marc requested that the Crew provide our Financial Balance Sheets for 2015 and 2016 (to date) and copy of our last IRS Form 990-EZ. The Secretary requested the Treasurer to gather these documents. Bob Corsi of VA suggested that we find a local Knight who is a CPA to do the review. Vice-President Marcel Moreau forwarded an email request his local Knights of Columbus council to find a Knight/CPA for the review. Based on CFC guidance just received, Secretary indicated that the upfront application/listing fees for the 2017 will be $360.
- VA Connection (Bob Corsi): Bob sent a $100 donation and $150 Lowe‘s gift card from his retirement ceremony.
- Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): Kathi Narlock and Kris Woods are to meet on Sun, 13 Nov 16, to resolve data input difficulties with the website.
- Colorado (CO) Connection (Gary Piper): No new developments.
- Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: Peggy Hoffman, the Offutt AFB Catholic Chapel CCD Coordinator, indicated that the Offutt Catholic Chapel Confirmation Class will help with a Pancake Breakfast on Sun, 19 Feb 17.
- 2017 Deployment (work starts on Thurs, 1 Jun 17): The Construction Director has revised the 2017 drawings and has almost completed the material list for the front porch gable roof design used in recent past years.
- New Business:
- Annual Report to Donors, Jan 17: The Secretary’s draft was reviewed and 75 copies will be obtained from UPS.
- The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM and the next Board Meeting was set for 7:30 PM, Thursday, 8 Dec 16, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr.