14 May 2020
1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21 st Circle, Bellevue NE. With 4 of 5
directors present, a quorum of the Board existed.
2. Attendance at the Meeting included:
Vicki Edwards
George Cawl
Marcel Moreau
Mark White
George Ziska, Jr.
3. The minutes of the meetings held on 12 March 2020, were approved.
Ron Strawn
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith was not present to provide a status.
5. Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
Kathi Narlock
A. Al Cans for 2 X 4’s: Turn-in on 7 May 20: 49 lb X $0.24/lb = $11.75. One attendee brought cans.
B. 25th Annual Bowl-a-thon, 1 :30 PM, 7 Mar 20, Leopard Lanes: A total of $6,062.20 in pledges was collected for a
new record. The Secretary sent out 72 thank you letters to donors.
C. 2020 Financial Plan: To date, 125.2% of our $70,000 goal has been raised. NE fundraising contributed $12, 653
or 18.1% ofthe goal.
D. 2021 Financial Plan: The proposed plan, which starts on 1 Jul 20, was discussed. The Dinner Raffle could be
affected by whether open dining will be available this Fall. If the Base Chapel adheres to their recent policy, the Crew
will not be getting a designated offering this year. The total goal will be determined without the benefit of knowing the
total 2020 bill and the selected 2021 Family. The Secretary suggested that the goal should be at least $75,000 for
3BR/2Bath home with a new septic system.
E. Other Ideas: Fundraising in NE could use some help.
6. Old Business:
A. Update of Membership Roster: No changes noted.
B. VA Connection (Bob Corsi): No new developments.
C. Crew Website ( http://www.accrew.org ): No new developments.
D. Colorado (CO) Connection (Corey Cinabro): The Construction Director will work with Vice-President Marcel
More&u, George Caw! and owner where the trailer is stored on a schedule for installing the spring arm trailer bitch
provided by Corey.
E. Volunteer Recruitment in Bellevue: No new developments.
F. 2020 Deployment (with work delayed to starting Thurs, 17 Sep 2020): Evon Pruett of Lowe’s ordered kitchen
Cabinets on 26 Mar 20, for delivery at the end of May. Due the coronavirus restrictions, the deployment was
delayed from 27 May-10 Jun 20 to 16-30 Sep 20. St. Joe’s Inn reservations were revised for this change. Harry Wallace
has put off the building of the subfloor by the Good Shepherd Church of Cincinnati until just before our Sep arrival. The
Personal Items to Bring List was revised for volunteers to bring their own pillow and case and face masks per instructions
of St. Joe’s Inn Landlord Jim Barney. The Food Crew Leader needs to include necessary cleaning supplies in their
buying for combating the coronavims. Based on last year and special needs of this year, The Construction Director
recommended that Food Crew Leader Vicki Edwards be given an advanced payment of $2,000 for food and supplies.
G. 2019 Tax Return: Return completed and Treasurer to provide a copy after the meeting.
H. Adopt-A-Road, 25 Apr 20: The clean-up of 25th Street was delayed a week due to snow and was completed by
four volunteers.
G. Coronavirus Actions: The Crew is currently on Option 2, with delayed 16-30 Sep 20 deployment. The
Construction Director discussed the following less desirable options including: Option 3: Deploying in Sep with a 1 Oman
Crew if the IO-person meeting restrictions are still in effect; Option 4: Have the remaining work on the Marler
Family home put out for bids by local KY builders and Option 5: Delay work on the Marler Family home until 2021.
7. New Business:
A. Second Advanced Payment: A Crew check for $5,000 was sent to the Good Shepherd Chapel on 24 Apr 20 and
received on 27 Apr 20, for the subfloor work and other expenses before the Crew’s Sep arrival. The total of advanced
payments on the Marler Family home is now $20,000.
B. KY Coronavirus Restrictions: Good Shepherd Chapel Treasurer Kay Morrow and St. Joe’s Inn Landlord Jim
Barney indicated that meeting restrictions would be eased to allow 50 people gather on 1 Jul 20. The Construction
Director has 150 3-Ply face masks on order and the Food Crew Leader was requested to buy a case of hand sanitizer.
8. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM. The next Meeting was set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 11 Jun 20, at 9803
S. 21 st Circle.
George Ziska, Jr.
Aug 152020