Sep 082012

APPALACHIAN_LOGOThe Crew builds homes for Appalachian families without the financial means to afford adequate housing. Our work is located in economically depressed McCreary County, KY. Since 1988, the Crew has worked with the Good Shepherd Mission of Whitley City, KY, who selects the families to receive the new homes. The Good Shepherd Mission has many deserving families on a waiting list for homes. Although the new home is our prime objective, more important benefits are setting an example of helping our fellow Americans and trying to heal a family in need of housing. The Appalachian Construction Crew is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

Dec 042022

The winners of the 2022 Restaurant Dinner Raffle Winners were announced Nov 18th at the Pizza Ranch in Council Bluffs, Iowa, a supporter of the raffle.


The winners are:

1st:   Ken Hurt; $100

   2nd:  Lorraine Purdum; $80

   3rd:   Karen Lucier; $70

   4th:   Randy Ziska; $50

   5th:   Debbe Moreau; $50

Apr 252022

10 March 2022

Subject: Minutes of Board Meeting

  1. The Meeting was opened by President Vicki Edwards at 7:00 PM, at 9803 S. 21st Circle, Bellevue NE. With 4 of 5 directors present, a quorum of the Board existed.
  2. Attendance at the Meeting included:

Vicki Edwards

Marcel Moreau

George Ziska, Jr.

Ron Strawn

  1. The minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2022, were approved.
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Janelle Smith reported the following status to the Secretary, as of 28 February 2022: Great Western Checking Account: $11,005.84; Fidelity Money Market: $56,287.11.
  3. Finance Director’s Report: The following items were discussed:
    A. Al Cans for 2 X 4’s: No new developments.

B. Church of Nativity, Burke, VA, Offering: Sat-Sun,1-2 Jan 22: No new developments.

C. Offutt Catholic Chapel Designated Offering: Sat-Sun,12-13 Feb 22: The offering totaled $1,40 l .00, and was received on 5 Mar 22. The Secretary submitted a thank you notice for the Chapel bulletin.

D. 27th Annual Bowl-a-thon, 1:30 PM, Sat, 5 Mar 22, Chop’s Bowl: A total of 17 bowlers participated with 9 bowling at Chop’s Bowl with other scores to be phoned in. Before the meeting, a total of $840.00 in pledges was collected with another $599.80 collected at the meeting.

E. 2022 Financial Plan: Progress on $80,000 goal is at 5.5%.

F. New Ideas: None.

  1. Old Business:
    A. Update of Membership Roster: No new developments.

B. VA Connection (Bob Corsi): Bob submitted the name of Brian Barry as new volunteer. The Construction Director added Brian’s name to Frame/Roof Crew.

C. Crew Website ( ): No new developments.

D. Colorado (CO) Connection (Corey Cinabro); Ed Donohoe can not come this year due to recovery from back surgery and was taken off the Frame/Roof Crew. Daniel Ratscbkowsky will be unable to come this year because he is starting a new job and was taken off the Support Crew.

E. Volunteer Recruitment io Bellevue: No new developments.

F. 2022 Deployment (Works starts on Thurs, 2 Jun 22): In a phone call with the Construction Director, Dustin Winchester of Lumber King in Whitley City, KY, indicated that: (1) a 2X4 stud now costs $6.50 (compared to $6.22 in 2021) and will cost even more by the time the Crew arrives in June, (2) Insulation will now be provided in larger rolls and (3) the New Family has made all their material selections. The material from Lowe’s in Somerset, KY was ordered on 7 Mar 22, for $3,5091.08 (an increase of $635.75 over 2021) and is scheduled to be delivered to the Good Shepherd Chapel warehouse on 16 Mar 22. The on-site crew now has 30 volunteers.

  1. New Business:
    A Adopt-A-Road on 25th Street: Vice-President Marcel Moreau will try to schedule the trash pick for 9 AM, Sat, 23 Apr 22.

B. Home Insurance and Tax Costs: The Construction Director requested Kay Morrow to provide examples of these costs which will be discussed at the New Family Settle-up meeting this coming June.

C. 2021 Form 990-EZ: The Secretary provided Major Contributors List to the Treasurer on 14 Feb 22. This form is due to be submitted electronically by 15 May 22.

  1. The Crew Meeting was adjourned at 7:47 PM. The next Meeting is set for 7:00 PM, Thursday, 7 Apr 22, at 9803 S. 21st Circle.

George Ziska, Jr. Secretary